Safety is a No. 1 priority

Never touch someone who has been electrocuted and is in contact with a power line. Call 911 immediately! Never attempt to move the power line.

  • To report an outage, downed power lines or trees on lines, call Eastern Iowa REC 855-938-3616.
  • For general safety questions or concerns, email us.

CLICK HERE for home safety tips.

CLICK HERE for downed power line safety tips.

CLICK HERE for holiday safety tips.

Call Before You Dig
Call Before You Dig

When you call 811, your underground electric facilities will be marked with paint and/or flags. Placing this call also notifies other utilities that may have buried services on your property. Iowa law applies to professional contractors as well as homeowners.

Tree Trimming
Tree Trimming

To ensure safe and reliable service for all Eastern Iowa REC members, the Cooperative routinely trims trees and clears vegetation around overhead lines. Branches that come into contact with power lines can cause power disruptions in electric service by reducing voltage, causing short circuits, complete outages, and fires. The result can be injuries to those close to lines or power outages for Cooperative members.

Outage Map
Outage Map

To report a power outage call 1-800-728-1242, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also report power outages via text message and receive status updates way using the SmartHub. To set up a SmartHub account see the link on the homepage. 

Steps to Restore Power
Steps to Restore Power

When a major power outage affects the Eastern Iowa REC service area, crews respond and follow a plan designed to safely restore power to the greatest number of members in the shortest amount of time.  The severity of the outage and weather conditions always play a role in the time it takes to restore power.

Safety Before, During, & After a Storm
Safety Before, During, & After a Storm

Remember to stay safe before, during and after a power outage.

Standby Generator Safety
Standby Generator Safety

During power outages, many Eastern Iowa REC members rely on standby generators to continue supplying electricity. It is reassuring to know that this is an option; however, for the safety of equipment and line crews, generators must be installed and operated safely during outage situations.